New Patients 610-904-9274

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60 Pottstown Pike Chester Springs, PA 19425

Did You Know These Habits Could Damage Your Teeth?

Everyone has habits, but did you know some of those habits could be harming your teeth? In dentistry, our goal is to help protect your teeth and prevent the development of complex dental problems in the future. Restorative dentist Dr. Jason Petkevis has years of experience correcting teeth that have been damaged due to bad habits. As one of the leading dentists in the Philadelphia area, Dr. Petkevis is committed to helping patients achieve a healthier smile. Dr. Petkevis works with each patient to address any dental concern and provides a treatment that is right for them.

Habits That Can Damage Your Teeth

  • Biting Your Nails: Nail biting can put pressure on your teeth and even wear them down over time. In advanced cases, nail-biting may lead to crack or chipped teeth.
  • Incorrectly Brushing Your Teeth: We know that brushing is great for your teeth. Brushing helps remove harmful bacteria in the mouth that can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. However, if you are incorrectly brushing your teeth, you can cause damage to your teeth and gums.
  • Teeth Grinding: Teeth grinding can put pressure on the teeth, causing cracked or chipped teeth in the process. Teeth grinding can even cause symptoms like headaches, jaw pain, and shifting teeth. Teeth grinding can seriously affect the function of the jaw, so it is important that you visit our Chester Springs dental office for a comprehensive exam.
  • Using the teeth as a tool: Using your teeth to open cans or packages can damage your teeth in the long run. Using your teeth as a tool can lead to fractures, cracks, or chips in the enamel.

Schedule An Appointment

Being aware of these habits can help keep your teeth protected. Also, scheduling routine preventive care exams can help Dr. Petkevis find any signs of teeth damage and provide a treatment plan to improve your smile. If you need schedule an appointment, patients can contact our Chester Springs dentist office or schedule an appointment online.