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Dental Fillings Chester Springs, PA

Dentists generally use dental fillings to treat teeth that are showing signs of decay, wear, or other damage. The purpose of a dental filling is to restore strength and beauty to the tooth and to protect the tooth from future damage. Our family dentist near you in Chester Springs, PA, Jason Petkevis, DMD uses metal-free dental fillings to achieve natural-looking, long-lasting results. We provide fillings as a general dental service to new and existing patients in Chester Springs.

When a person smiles, it shows that he or she is warm and friendly. The key to keeping one’s smile beautiful is to keep your teeth healthy. Cavities and gum disease are two conditions that can rob the teeth of their health and beauty.

Fortunately, you can prevent dental problems by caring for your teeth properly. Brushing your teeth two to three times a day, flossing at least once daily, and eating a healthy diet can prevent most problems. Additionally, patients should ensure they see their dentists twice a year for a dental checkup and teeth cleaning.

Composite Dental Fillings in Chester Springs, PA

White fillings are simply dental fillings that are the same color as natural teeth. They can be made from composite resin or porcelain. Quickly becoming the standard in modern dentistry, white fillings are virtually undetectable and provide long-lasting strength and durability.

Resin Dental Fillings

Resin dental fillings are made from a biocompatible composite resin applied directly to the tooth. Treatment with resin dental fillings may also be known as composite bonding. Generally, Dr. Petkevis uses resin dental fillings and composite bonding for patients with minor tooth decay or damage.

Resin dental fillings are long-lasting but not permanent. Dentists use them as part of a conservative treatment plan to protect the tooth from future damage.

Porcelain Dental Fillings

We also refer to porcelain dental fillings as inlays, onlays, or partial crowns. For patients with more significant damage or decay, porcelain dental fillings add strength to the tooth. Porcelain fillings are very long-lasting.

Dental Inlays and Dental Onlays

  • An inlay covers a tooth surface or cusps (bumps) on the tooth’s surface. Dentists use inlays to fix small-to-medium-sized cavities.
  • An onlay, or a partial crown, is more extensive, covering two or more cusps. Dentists can use them as a cost-effective alternative to dental crowns if the damage is less severe.

Replacing Metal Dental Fillings

Modern advances in cosmetic dentistry mean you no longer need to suffer from unsightly and uncomfortable silver/mercury fillings or metal margins around the gum line. Dr. Petkevis can replace old, broken-down amalgam (metal) fillings with white fillings for a more comfortable and natural-looking restoration.

Dr. Petkevis can remove and replace your old dental filling. In many cases, he will use a porcelain dental filling. If the old filling is large and removing it will compromise the tooth, Dr. Petkevis may recommend a dental crown to add additional strength.

Dental Fillings FAQs

Dental fillings are one of the most common dental procedures. Read the answers to these commonly asked questions to learn more.

How long do dental fillings last?

Dental fillings life is dependent on a few variables. These include the material they are made of, your diet, and your dental care after the procedure. They are typically made of composite materials matching your teeth and enamel. These last between 10-12 years. Some made of metal can last longer, but metal is becoming less popular.

Does it hurt to get a dental filling?

Dental fillings do not involve areas of the mouth with nerves, so you shouldn’t feel pain. There are numbing products that the dentist can apply so that patients feel nothing but light pressure. They commonly use these for dental fillings. Although you can’t feel pain from the nerves, you can feel the pulling and movement of the tools and dentist throughout the procedure. Sometimes patients may feel pain when the filling is deep and near the nerve, but it is uncommon.

How long will it take a dentist near me to fill a cavity?

Cavities can take anywhere between 15 minutes to an hour to fill. The amount of time it takes to fill a cavity varies on the severity, size, and spot that the cavity is in. Most cavities come in pairs or sets of three, so your dentist can complete multiple cavity-filling procedures in one sitting. This may cause your appointment to run longer.

What happens when you get a cavity filled?

Dentists typically numb the tooth and surrounding area before beginning work to make the experience as comfortable and pain-free as possible. He will then use a tiny drill and make a hole in your tooth to remove any decay in or around the tooth. Once the dentist removes all the tooth decay, they will fill the hole with the filling.

Can I get more than one cavity filled in one sitting?

Yes, we can fill multiple cavities in one appointment. However, we won’t normally fill more than four cavities at once. Even though fillings are a simple procedure, it’s still a semi-invasive procedure for your mouth. We don’t want to overdo it. Your mouth needs a chance to heal properly.

Do I need a dental filling?

A couple of indicators may mean you need a dental filling. Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to see a dark spot or hole forming in your tooth. But many times, it isn’t visible. The best indicator is pain or sensitivity in a certain targeted area. Oftentimes, cavities form in between teeth or between the cusps of your molars.

What To Do If You Have A Broken or Missing Dental Filling

If you have lost or have a broken dental filling, it is important to contact our office as quickly as possible. As an emergency dentist, Dr. Petkevis sets aside time throughout his schedule to treat patients experiencing a dental emergency, such as broken fillings. Please contact us to schedule emergency treatment at our Chester Springs dental office. Our state-of-the-art dentist office offers a wide selection of treatments to address your dental concerns.