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Bleeding Gums Treatment Chester Springs PA

Bleeding gums are one of the most common symptoms of gum disease. Gum pain, sore gums, and gum bleeding are often present in patients who have gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease. Chester Springs dentist, Dr. Jason Petkevis treats bleeding gums, gum disease, and gingivitis through a wide range of general dentistry treatments.

What Causes Bleeding Gums?

Many people believe bleeding gums is a sign of good brushing. However, it is not normal for gums to bleed when you brush! Bleeding gums is often caused by a build-up of plaque along the gum line. Plaque can push down into the pockets of the gum and harden into tartar. As you brush or floss your teeth, this irritates the sensitive gum tissue and can cause bleeding or soreness.

Bleeding gums are also common during pregnancy because of hormonal changes taking place in the body. Pregnant women should continue to brush and floss, but be extra cautious around sensitive gum tissue to prevent bleeding. It is important to maintain routine visits to the dentist during pregnancy to monitor gum health.

Other causes of bleeding gums can include:

  • Brushing aggressively: If you are using a hard toothbrush, try switching to a soft toothbrush. Sometimes patients are not aware that they are pushing too hard on their toothbrushes. This can easily cause gum irritation and bleeding. You are effectively scratching your gums and leaving microscopic cuts that can let bacteria into your bloodstream. In this case, your gums bleed to clog the cuts and prevent infection.
  • Symptom of certain medications: Talk to your primary healthcare provider and discuss if there are any medications you are taking that can cause this issue. If so, consider switching to a different medication.
  • Vitamin deficiencies: Are you eating a balanced, healthy diet? Put more consideration into the foods you eat to maintain strong and healthy oral health. Brush your teeth at least twice each day, and don’t forget to use mouthwash.

Treatment for Bleeding Gums

A dentist should always coordinate treatment for bleeding gums. Do not attempt to use over-the-counter medications without the advisement of a dentist. Dr. Petkevis can diagnose and treat your bleeding gums with periodontal therapy. This may include a thorough teeth and gums cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing.

If your bleeding gums are a symptom of gingivitis, he will perform extensive cleaning. If you are suffering from gum disease, Dr. Petkevis will perform scaling and root planing procedures and in extreme cases, periodontal surgery. We do our best to start with the most conservative, less-invasive treatments before recommending oral surgery.

Laser Dentistry

Dr. Petkevis is among a small number of dentists in the Philadelphia area using advanced dental lasers to treat bleeding gums and gum disease. Laser dentistry helps to reduce the risk of infection, minimize pain, inhibit blood loss, and speed recovery time for patients.

Bleeding Gums FAQs

I brush my teeth every day, but my gums still bleed! Why are they bleeding?

You may be brushing your teeth too hard. You should apply enough pressure with your toothbrush to feel the bristle against your gums. If you are squishing the brush against your teeth, you are applying too much pressure, which may cause your gums to bleed.

Also, make sure you are using a soft bristle toothbrush. Take your time, and don’t rush. Replace your toothbrush every three months, and don’t forget to brush your gum line gently. If your bleeding gums are still a concern, please discuss it with Dr. Petkevis at your next routine appointment.

Does my diet affect my gum health?

Yes! If your diet lacks certain vitamins or nutrients, this can make your gums more susceptible to infection and gum disease. This may cause your gums to become swollen, inflamed, tender, and bleed. Eating a well-balanced diet will help support your gum health.

What is the most common cause of bleeding gums?

Most of our patients who suffer from bleeding gums have some form of gum disease. Gum disease is caused by a build-up of plaque and tartar on the teeth along the gum line. This is the direct result of not properly caring for your teeth.

To avoid the build-up of plaque and tartar on your teeth, you need to brush your teeth properly twice a day, floss at least once a day, and visit Dr. Petkevis every six months for a routine oral hygiene exam and teeth cleaning.

Can a saltwater rinse help bleeding gums?

A warm saltwater rinse can reduce gum inflammation. While saltwater rinses will not cure bleeding gums, they can address painful and swollen gums. Saltwater rinses can help reduce the number of harmful bacteria in the mouth.

When should I visit the dentist to treat bleeding gums?

You should visit the dentist if you notice bleeding when you brush or floss. A thorough routine dental cleaning and improved oral hygiene should reverse your symptoms. However, if your gums do not improve within two weeks, you need to visit the dentist for additional care. We can treat gum disease with a deep cleaning to remove harmful bacteria and prevent tooth loss.

What happens if I don’t treat bleeding gums?

If you have bleeding gums due to gingivitis and do not receive treatment, your gum health can worsen. As gum disease progresses, you can experience increased gum sensitivity, deep gum pockets, and swollen gums. You may even lose permanent teeth if you do not treat gum disease. Inflammation can also travel through the bloodstream and affect other parts of the body, including the heart.

The Cure for Bleeding Gums

If you have bleeding or sore gums, schedule a consultation with Chester Springs dentist Dr. Jason Petkevis for a periodontal screening to check for signs of gum disease. Call 610–400–1459 or schedule an appointment online today.