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Full Mouth Dental Implants Chester Springs PA

Dental implants provide patients with a more secure method of replacing of missing teeth compared to dental bridges or dentures. However, if you are missing all of your teeth, replacing each tooth with a separate dental implant can be very expensive. With full mouth dental implants, there is no need to do this. As an experienced dental implant dentist, Dr. Jason Petkevis can replace all your missing teeth using anywhere from 2 to 8 dental implants per arch. He offers full mouth dental implants in Chester Springs, PA for patients who desire a restored and fully functional smile again.

full mouth dental implants in Chester Springs, PA

What are Full Mouth Dental Implants?

As an advanced restorative dentistry treatment, full mouth dental implants can replace all your missing teeth. Without needing an implant fixture for each missing tooth, your dentist will only need to place anywhere from 2 to 8 implant fixtures per jaw to replace all your teeth. Once the implants are in place, your dentist will then create a custom denture that will attach to the dental implants.

Full mouth dental implants are designed as an effective treatment for patients with total tooth loss. No matter the cause, whether it’s from severe dental issues or trauma, we can replace the top and/or bottom arch of teeth with several dental implants and a custom made denture.

How do Full Mouth Dental Implants Work?

The first step is to determine the current state of your oral health. This will help your dentist figure out how many dental implants you will need to properly support the denture. The upper jaw typically requires 4 to 8 dental implants since the bone is softer there. The lower jaw is much denser and may require as little as 2 implant fixtures. Depending on the condition of your bone, you may need up to 8, however.

Once your treatment plan is ready, then your dentist will secure the dental implants. Dr. Petkevis will surgically insert the implants fixtures into the jawbone where they will act as artificial tooth roots. Over the span of several months, they will fuse to the surrounding bone creating a sturdy foundation for the denture.

Once the implants have fully integrated, then we will take steps to fabricate your custom dentures. Implant supported dentures can be fixed or removable. The end result is a fully restored smile with improved aesthetics, function, and overall oral health.

Who is a Good Candidate for Full Mouth Dental Implants?

Full mouth dental implants can be a life-changing solution for many patients. However, not everyone is an ideal candidate for this complex restorative dentistry procedure. There are several factors that we must take into consideration to determine if a person is suitable for full mouth dental implants:

  • Extensive Tooth Loss: Full mouth dental implants are obviously only for patients who have suffered from extensive tooth loss. Individuals who have lost most or all of their natural teeth from tooth decay, gum disease, trauma, or congenital conditions may qualify for them.
  • Good Jawbone Density: A successful implant placement relies on the patient having sufficient bone density in their jaw. If the patient has experienced bone loss, they may need a bone graft before the implants can be placed.
  • Good Overall Health: Patients should be in good general health. Having certain medical conditions may slow down their healing or increase their risk for complications during surgery.
  • Lifelong Commitment to Oral Hygiene: If a patient desires full mouth dental implants, they must be committed to following a strict oral care routine for life. While implant fixtures are designed to last a lifetime, they can become damaged if the patient suffers from dental issues.
  • Be a Non-Smoker: Smoking is bad for your health and actually slows down healing. If a patient smokes, it will impair their ability to heal from the implantation surgery and increase their risk for implant failure. Many dentists will refuse to place full mouth dental implants in patients who smoke.
  • Realistic Expectations: Candidates should have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure and be willing to follow post-operative instructions carefully.

Book a Consultation for Full Mouth Dental Implants in Chester Springs, PA

If you believe you might be a good candidate for full mouth dental implants, you should consult with Dr. Petkevis. You can book a consultation with him by calling 610.904.9274 or you may also request an appointment online.