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Why You Should Fix Your Bite Problem

When considering aligning your teeth, most people generally think of cosmetic reasons. If it is purely cosmetic, many people will avoid seeking treatment. It may be hard to convince yourself to spend the money to fix your smile for aesthetic purposes. You may think: “why should I fix my crooked teeth or underbite? It looks fine to me.” It is true that your smile may not be a bother to you aesthetically. However, your bite problem could actually be causing you harm. You may not realize that a bad bite can cause issues like headaches or jaw pain. 

Your body works as one unit. When one part of your body doesn’t work correctly, other parts may try to work harder in order to pick up the slack. Your teeth and mouth work like this on a smaller level. If your teeth are out of balance, the muscles in your jaw and face will work to resolve issues with your bad bite. In doing so, this may create more problems for you. For example, a crossbite occurs when the top teeth fit inside the lower teeth rather than sitting on the bottom teeth. Over time, the teeth will grind down, and the jaw can experience deformities. Both of these problems will give you headaches. 

You would be surprised how many issues your teeth can cause. Fixing your bad bite can do more for you than just give you a pretty smile. It can alleviate problems with speech, eating, and discomfort. Additionally, the sooner you can fix your bite problem, the better off you will be. 

Image of woman in dental chair smiling straight white teeth cosmetic dentistry dentist in Chester Springs Pennsylvania

What Is A Bad Bite?

Your “bite” is where your top teeth meet your bottom teeth. If an issue prevents your teeth from meeting naturally, dentists call it a malocclusion or a bad bite. A lot of bite problems are genetic. However, some bite problems can develop during childhood. Certain behaviors like excessive thumb-sucking, mouth breathing, and tongue thrusting can alter a bite pattern. Not only can these behaviors create a bad bite, but they can also change the development of the face, jaw, and airway. 

Side Effects of a Bad Bite

A common problem associated with a bad bite is frequent headaches. In addition, some bite problems can cause you to grind your teeth, putting unnecessary pressure on your teeth. This can also affect the muscles in your face. As a result, you can experience pain and soreness in your face, neck, and jaw. 

Sometimes, a bite problem affects your ability to chew your food properly. It can become uncomfortable to eat, especially if your bite is uneven. In severe cases, bad bites can cause malnutrition. 

Another issue with bite problems concerns speech. Your speech relies on how your mouth moves and how your tongue touches your teeth. If your bite doesn’t allow you to do this properly, you can develop speech impediments. 

If your teeth are too close together, too far apart, or too crooked, it can be challenging to clean them correctly. In addition, people with bad bites are more likely to develop tooth decay or gum disease.